
Här hittar Du alla nummer av SOFIA-studiens eget nyhetsbrev SOFIA-nytt! Resultat från SOFIA-studien presenteras, förutom i  SOFIA-nytt, i vetenskapligt granskade publikationer och på både nationella och internationella konferenser. Nedan presenteras ett urval av publikationer och presentationer baserade på SOFIA-studien. 

Här kan du läsa nyhetsbrevet SOFIA-nytt

SOFIA-nytt # 1 2010

SOFIA-nytt# 2 2010

SOFIA-nytt#3 2011

SOFIA-nytt#4 2014

SOFIA-nytt#5 2018

SOFIA-nytt#6 2021


Ett urval av internationella forskningsstudier/artiklar baserade på SOFIA-studien

Colins, O. F. , Andershed, H. , Frogner, L. , Lopez-Romero, L. , Veen, V. & Andershed, A. (2014). A New Measure to Assess Psychopathic Personality in Children: The Child Problematic Traits Inventory. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 36 (1),

Colins, O. F. , Fanti, K. A. & Andershed, H. (2020). The DSM-5 Limited Prosocial Emotions Specifier for Conduct Disorder: Comorbid Problems, Prognosis, and Antecedents. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

Colins, O. F., Hellfeldt, K., Fanti, K. A., & Andershed, H. (2020). The Incremental Usefulness of Teacher-Rated Psychopathic Traits in 5- to 7-Year Olds in Predicting Teacher-, Parent-, and Child Self-Reported Antisocial Behavior at a Six-Year Follow-Up. Journal of Criminal Justice.

Fanti, K. A. , Hellfeldt, K. , Colins, O. F. , Meehan, A. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2019). Worried, sad, and breaking rules?: Understanding the developmental interrelations among symptoms of anxiety, depression, and conduct problems during early childhood. Journal of criminal justice, 62, 23-28.

Frogner, L. , Hellfeldt, K. , Ångström, A. , Andershed, A. , Källström, Å. , Fanti, K. A. & Andershed, H. (2021). Stability and Change in Early Social Skills Development in Relation to Early School Performance: A Longitudinal Study of a Swedish Cohort. Early Education and Development.

Frogner, L. , Gibson, C. L. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2018). Childhood Psychopathic Personality and Callous-Unemotional Traits in the Prediction of Conduct Problems. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 88 (2), 211-225.

Frogner, L. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2018). Psychopathic Personality Works Better than CU Traits for Predicting Fearlessness and ADHD Symptoms among Children with Conduct Problems. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 40 (1), 26-39.

Hellfeldt, K. , López-Romero, L. & Andershed, H. (2019). Cyberbullying and Psychological Well-being in Young Adolescence: The Potential Protective Mediation Effects of Social Support from Family, Friends, and Teachers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (1).

Klingzell, I. , Fanti, K. , Colins, O. , Frogner, L. , Andershed, A. & Andershed, H. (2016). Early Childhood Trajectories of Conduct Problems and Callous-Unemotional Traits: The Role of Fearlessness and Psychopathic Personality Dimensions. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 47 (2), 236-247.

Svensson, B. , Andershed, H. & Janson, S. (2015). A Survey of Swedish Teachers’ Concerns for Preschool Children at Risk of Maltreatment. Early Childhood Education Journal, 43 (6), 495-503.


Ett urval av internationella presentationer baserade på SOFIA-studiens första våg

Svensson, B., Janson, S., Andershed, A-K., & Andershed, H. (2010). The SOFIA study: A multi-disciplinary large scale longitudinal study of social, behavioral and physical development. Presentation at the 5th Conference of Epidemiological Longitudinal Studies in Europe (CELSE), October 13-15, 2010 Paphos, Cyprus, Greece.

Eriksson, I., Cater, Å., Andershed, A-K., & Andershed, H. (2010). Protection against externalizing and internalizing behavior problems among children at risk. Presentation at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC), November 17-20, 2010 San Francisco, USA.

Andershed, H., & Andershed, A-K. (2010). Subgroups of children with conduct problems. Presentation at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC), November 17-20, 2010 San Francisco, USA.

Eriksson, I., Cater, Å., Andershed, A-K., & Andershed, H. (2011). What protects preschool children with callous-unemotional traits from developing conduct problems? Presentation at the 63nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology (ASC), November 16-19, 2011 Washington DC, USA.


OBS! Alla uppgifter som samlas in i SOFIA-studien behandlas med största säkerhet och inga uppgifter sprids till obehöriga. Resultaten redovisas alltid endast på gruppnivå, så att ingen enskild person – varken barn eller vuxen – kan identifieras.